Striker Indoor Soccer Summer Camp

Indoor, part-time Winter Garden soccer-focused Summer Camp

Cool off, stay active, meet new friends, find new skills

Summer is almost here, and we’re keeping the soccer fun inside & air-conditioned at Striker’s Indoor Youth Summer Camp!

No heat, no rainouts—just soccer fun indoors!

Exciting weekly themes & prizes

Flexible scheduling—join for one week or all 8!

Multi-week discounts available!

📍 Location: Lakeview Middle School, Downtown Winter Garden

📅 Days: Monday - Thursday | 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

🙋 Ages: 5-14 | ⚽ All skill levels welcome!

Register now to take advantage of the early bird discount, only $135/ week!

Player 1 Registration

*Additional players can be added on the next page


Click to accept: I consent to receive SMS notifications, Academy-related weather alerts, and occasional marketing communication from Striker Sports & Social. Message frequency varies. Message & data rates may apply. Text HELP to (844) 716-1948 for assistance. You can reply STOP to unsubscribe at any time.

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I agree my child is physically fit to engage in physical activities with no other medical condition preventing participation. I agree for my child(ren) not to participate or I not to spectate if I believe my child(ren) or I to be sick or have a temperature above 100.4°F. I accept that participating in sports comes with inherent risks of physical injury, including permanent disability, paralysis, and death. I agree that my child(ren) participates and I spectate at entirely my and their own risk and agree that if at any time I believe conditions to be unsafe, I will discontinue my child(ren)'s participation immediately.

I hereby release and forever discharge Thompson Whitney, LLC dba Striker Sports & Social, its staff, partners, and field owners for any liability and for any and all property damage and physical injury, and waive any and all rights, claims, or causes of action, including medical claims arising out of my child(ren)'s participation and myself spectating in this company's activities.

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COVID-19: An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 currently exists in any public place where people are present. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. By your child(ren) participating in this company's activities, you voluntarily assume all risks to them related to the exposure of COVID-19 and to you by spectating.

I certify that I have fully read this waiver, assumption of risk, and release of liability, including the risk of COVID-19, fully understand its terms, and signed freely on behalf of my child. I agree that if any portion of this agreement is to be held invalid, the balance shall continue in full force and effect. This waiver, assumption of risk, and release of liability shall remain in effect for the duration of my child(ren)'s participation in this company's activities and any subsequent participation.
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I also accept that inclement weather may lead to the disruption or cancellation of events. I consent to photography and video for marketing purposes - I may opt out at any time by emailing [email protected].
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I accept that physical or verbal abuse towards staff or players or violation of the Company's rules will result in expulsion without refund. I further accept that Thompson Whitney LLC dba Striker Sports & Social has the right to refuse the registration of a player due to previous unbecoming conduct or the violation of the Company's rules. 
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I accept the following Cancellation Policy: There will be no refund within two weeks of the first date of activity you have registered for. 

By registering, you understand, agree, and accept the above waiver, assumption of risk, and release of liability and agree and consent to this registration to act as an electronic signature for this agreement.